“Review of the Employment Promotions Programs in Albania, to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the existing EPPs and to identify and to recommend to the MoSWY new employment promotion programs”, funded from RisiAbania/ Swiss Development Cooperation funded project, ILO, EU IPA2010, implemented in partnership with A.L.T.R.I. The project consisted on (a) conducting a Quantitative data collection through a survey targeting 400 beneficiaries (businesses) of EPPs in 2014 only, using a structured questionnaire. The sampling methodology was defined further in order to establish a statistically representative sample among all beneficiaries/projects (rural/urban and gender sensitive) in 2014. The survey was conducted in cooperation with the National Employment Service; (b) Qualitative data collection through 6-8 focus group discussions (rural/urban and gender sensitive) with beneficiaries (business) and participants (former jobseekers), including the social partners, using semi-structured questionnaires.
Final report: http://www.ipa-hrd.al/Komponenti2/10-EPP/EPP-FINAL-REPORT.pdf